I didn’t love my pet as much as you love yours. She wasn’t a part of the family in the conventional sense… Well, actually, I never really grew up with any pets. My first “pet” was a chick. I played with her after school. I gave her baths. She was my companion. You might even call her a friend. My little friend grew into a beautiful chicken. And eventually dinner. You’re probably wondering how it made me feel. The answer is nothing. I felt absolutely nothing. You see, in my country, it is not common to have pets and certainly not inside the house. The animals people own usually serve a specific purpose in their lives. The dog is for protection. The horse or donkey is used for transportation. The true concept of owning a pet that is a part of the family did not become clear to me until I moved to the US. Initially, this concept felt strange. However, I was young enough that it didn’t take long for me to acclimate to this new normal, without viewing my customs as abnormal. I am still often reminded of this (now considered) unique experience during class discussions with my students. I am always amazed at what’s considered normal in various cultures and as the teacher it’s also a reminder for me to always create an environment where students not only have an opportunity to freely share what makes them unique culturally, I also find ways to creatively use their unique stories in my lessons. Let me know in the comments below: Do you use cultural differences to empower your students, employees, or colleagues? #Culturaldiversity #Inclusion #teacherlife